Friday, September 29, 2006

Tonight and Next Few Fridays

Friday, September 29, 6:30 p.m.
Dr. Kaung’s Salon: Kyi May Kaung leads an open discussion of the historical Buddha. Dr. Kaung is a Silver Spring-based artist, activist, poet, and political economist and originally from Burma.

Friday, October 6, 7 p.m.
Jazz trumpeter Michael Thomas celebrates the release of It Is What It Is, a new CD by the Michael Thomas Quintet.

Friday, October 13, 6:30-9:00 p.m.
Opening reception for Russian-Israeli painter Regina Margarita Barker-Barzel. Barker-Barzel. Exhibit co-sponsored by Empowered Women International.

Friday, October 20, 7:00 p.m.
Turkish modern dancer, writer, and healer Bikem Ozturk, performs a site-specific, structured improvisation titled “Limits are the Sky.” The dance is about courage, joy, and mindfully living a full life within limits.

Bikem Ozturk was born in Istanbul in 1966. She studied ballet as a child, and at 23, participated with Zeynep Gunsur in the first dance theater project of Green Grapes. Since moving to the United States in 1993, she has been dancing in Liz Lerman Dance Exchange classes and projects. Bikem has been a student of Zen since 1991 and her practice is mindfulness in everyday life.

Friday, Oct 27, 6:30-8 p.m.
Dr. Kaung’s Salon: Lisa Null hosts an open a cappella ballad sing. Lisa Null is a singer and folklorist who has performed in festivals and concerts throughout North America and Great Britain including Garrison Keillor's A Prairie Home Companion. Of all the songs she sings, none are more precious to her than the old story songs passed on for centuries through oral tradition. She will be singing some of her favorites, mostly old but also a few newer ones created in the old style. Come to listen, to sing on refrains, or to share a few of your favorites. Because of Halloween, ghostly ballads are particularly welcome. Co-sponsored by the Folklore Society of Greater Washington.