Space 710 | | Twitter:@spc710_kefacafe
History of Space 710:
Founded in 2004 by artist, Tom Block, Space 710 is a Community Art Space in Kefa Cafe. For many devoted years, Amy Kincaid curated the small gallery and organized salon series and intimate performances. As of May 2015, while Kefa Cafe was undergoing some work, Meagan Healy, Marcelle Fozard and Fenton Street Market organized a public #SSPaintOut, inviting local folks to create some 'plein aire' painting of downtown Silver Spring. They also organized a Silver Spring art show booth at Fenton Street Market, (along with other helpful artists). Meagan Healy and Marcelle Fozard then curated the 2016 Space710 art shows.
Current curators:
In 2018, Margot H.G. Manburg and Edgar M. Gonzalez will revive the gallery at Space 710.
Space 710 Mailing List, sign up here:
"We focus now on one of the region's lesser-known performing venues. It would be polite to call this space "intimate." Tucked away, off to the side of the front room at Silver Spring's Kefa Cafe, it's a narrow wedge that seems crowded, even with just six chairs set up. It's not exactly a walk-in closet but it's not the Kennedy Center either. The room is known as Space 710. And it provides a stage for a wealth of local art, dance, music and poetry that rarely makes it into the city's biggest venues..."
—David Furst, Metro Connection, 2007